Harnessing Reciprocity: Revolutionize Your Connections

Men shake hands in company

Harnessing Reciprocity: Revolutionize Your Connections

Understanding the law of reciprocity holds a potent impact on human relationships – both personal and professional. When we act kindly towards others, they naturally feel an inclination to return the favor. This principle was mentioned in a recent post by influential blogger James Brausch, himself influenced by the ideas of Michel Fortin. The same topic was also discussed in detail on Paul Hancox’s ‘Internet Influence Magic’ blog.

James revealed that his daily to-do list always contains one item: “Do something nice for someone.” This simple action sparks the law of reciprocity, setting off a chain reaction with cascading benefits. It’s a testament to the ever-expanding and cyclical nature of reciprocity.

One common example of the law of reciprocity in action is when you link to other people’s content in your blog posts. When the bloggers on the receiving end notice your courtesy, they feel encouraged to return the favor in some way. A powerful driving force, the law of reciprocity triggers an impulse to give something back in return for a received favor.

An individual observing an inbound link might begin exploring ways of giving back, for instance, by diving deeper into your posts and potentially linking back to them in the future. The law of reciprocity sparks a virtuous cycle, leading to amplified connections and mutual benefits.

Embracing the strategy of performing kind acts daily can lead to profound change in our interpersonal connections. The law of reciprocity is not just about receiving—it’s about cultivating a mindset of giving, which in turn fuels the circle of reciprocation.

Human figurines in a pile

Putting the Law of Reciprocity into Action: A Real-World Example

Consider this real-world instance of the law of reciprocity at work. An individual receives a generous gift – an impressive box filled with 100 copies of a highly rated DVD titled “Master Your Income: Create and Sell Your Own DVDs”. The giver of this gift left a simple note on top of the box, stating that it was a gift and the recipient was free to use it however they wished.

Indeed, even though the recipient owned several products from the same creator, they hadn’t previously encountered this particular DVD. Deciding to educate themselves, they viewed the DVD in its entirety. The DVD offered a comprehensive, step-by-step guide on creating one’s own DVD and dispatching it for duplication.

This process, surprisingly, was easier to accomplish than initially thought. So much so, in fact, that the recipient had already utilized the same strategies to produce several DVDs for their business.

Interestingly, the DVD is sold for $100 via Kunaki—a company renowned for their duplication services, which the receiver also had experience with. Hence, the total worth of the DVDs amounted to a whopping $10,000.

As per the Law of Reciprocity, the receiver decided to give back, as they only needed one DVD—which they had already watched. This left them with 99 untouched DVDs and one used one. They then thought of passing on these DVDs to their customers as a gesture of goodwill. Here’s how the principles they learned from the DVD could help others:

  • Creating Your Own DVD: The DVD equips viewers with the necessary steps to produce their own DVDs. It’s a valuable tool for anyone eager to explore this platform, whether for personal use or for business;
  • Distribution and Duplication: The DVD goes into detail about how to send your creation for duplication, taking the guesswork out of the process and making it accessible for everyone;
  • Enhancing Your Business: DVDs are a powerful medium for disseminating information, marketing your brand, or even selling as a product. This knowledge could significantly boost someone’s business strategy.


The Law of Reciprocity is an influential principle that can be effectively harnessed to boost business strategies. Whether it’s sharing resources, providing benefits to customers, or finding mutual growth opportunities, businesses that understand and apply this law can cultivate stronger relationships and foster success. As we’ve seen, everyone stands to win when the Law of Reciprocity is put into action—making it an essential component in the toolbox of savvy businesses.

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